About computational finance...

I think this is one plausible approach to funding AGI research -- but it's
not a surefire route to success, IMO it's just another interesting narrow-AI
problem to attack, with the potential to generate a lot of cash and the
certainty of absorbing a lot of attention along the way...

My experience is that in building any narrow-AI app based on Novamente
components, around 80% of the work goes into the application and the
domain-engineering and 20% into stuff of general value for Novamente.  This
is the nature of narrow AI.  I'm sure it's the same with financial

The Novamente learning algorithms definitely have the potential to yield
powerful financial predictions -- but building, tuning and testing an actual
trading system around these predictions is not a trivial matter.  It's not
something I could do in my spare time....  (Want to invest $30K so I can pay
someone to create a Novamente-based trading system?  Send me an e-mail and
we'll talk ;-)

I would say that, of all the narrow-AI application areas out there, the
bioinformatics area interests me most (www.biomind.com), because in addition
to having revenue-generation potential and helping to build up Novamente, it
involves both

-- doing good science
-- doing good (e.g. some of our recent work has helped biologists gain new
insight into the roots of Parkinson's disease)

along the way.  Life extension research is important to me, though not as
important as AGI, and Biomind's work -- based on some Novamente components
wrapped in a lot of bioinformatics code -- has a lot of potential in this
area.  Computational finance is appealing in terms of its potential for
highly rapid revenue generation, but lacks the scientific interest and moral
value of biology-related commercial AI work.

-- Ben

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of David Clark
> Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 12:34 PM
> To: agi@v2.listbox.com
> Subject: Re: [agi] Setting up the systems....
> > With just a little success, you could fund your operation via the stock
> > market predictions, this would also prove your models capability.
> > All you have to do is be able to make more than the losses.
> The stock market on a macro scale does move according to business
> and known
> principles but only small 5-6% returns can be had investing in broad
> spectrum investing.  On the microscopic scale (where the real money is)
> there are no overriding rules the market follows.  Human behavior is *not*
> particularly rational.  It is possible to bet on the irrationality of
> mankind but just after you place your bet *that* stock will behave
> rationally.
> Programs to predict stock prices are all over the place and their presence
> only makes the market include that fact in it's current price.
> Playing the
> stock market by an AGI will not be the way to fund more research IMHO.
> -- David Clark
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