On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Brad Wyble wrote:
> Hardware advancements are necessary, but I think you guys spend alot of 
> time chasing white elephants.  AGI's are not going to magically appear 
> just because hardware gets fast enough to run them, a myth that is 
> strongly implied by some of the singularity sites I've read.

> Spend your time learning how to use what we have now, that's what 
> evolution did, starting from the primitive processing capabilities of 
> single celled organisms.

Actually at Cycorp we spend very little time thinking about hardware 
advancements, other than for specific sponsored hardware-oriented 
research.  I agree with posters here that given a couple of orders of 
magnitude more powerful processors, weak AI programs will be economical to 
develop and deploy.  I believe this phenomenon will become widespread in 
about 10 years.  In 2014, according to trend, the semiconductor 
manufacturers may reach the 16 nanometer lithography node, with 32 CPU 
cores per chip, perhaps 150+ times more capable than today's x86 chip.  

Cycorp's approach to AI does not depend on understanding biological brain 
function.  The following web site documents our progress towards creating 
a human-like competency in answering high school chemistry questions:


Without exactly specifying the investment required to achieve the above 
competency, I believe that it is a small fraction of the competencies 
involved in a stereotypical white collar job.  When CPUs get cheap enough, 
it will be economical to deploy weak-AI applications to augment and 
replace vast numbers of white collar jobs.

It is a false comfort to deny the possibility of a disastrous Singularity 
because of the intellectual difficulty of soon creating safe AI.  I 
believe that the danger is exponentially increasing from very small levels 
and will be more obvious in about 10 years.

Note that my statements are mine alone and do not represent my employer 
in any way.


Stephen L. Reed                  phone:  512.342.4036
Cycorp, Suite 100                  fax:  512.342.4040
3721 Executive Center Drive      email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austin, TX 78731                   web:  http://www.cyc.com
         download OpenCyc at http://www.opencyc.org

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