
My suspicion is that in the brain knowledge is often stored on two levels:

* specific neuronal groups correlated with specific information

In terms of the activation of specific neurons indicating high level concepts,
I think there is good evidence of this now.  See for example the work of
Gabriel Kreiman.

* strange attractors spanning large parts of the brain, correlated
with specific information

The liquid computation model of Maass, Natschlager and Markram, which was
inspired by neuroscience work on neural microcircuits and cortical columns,
shows how  complex dynamics can be used to perform useful computations
from random networks.  Jaeger has studied how, essentially the same model,
can be used as a short term memory using attractors in the system.  Thus it
seems reasonable that, at least at the columnar scale, attractors could play
an important role in short term memory.


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