Ben Goertzel wrote:

On a related subject, I argued in What is Thought? that the hard
problem was not processor speed for running the AI, but coding the

This is definitely true.


However, Warren has recently done some digging
on the subject, and come up with what seems to be a better estimate
that 10^44 bacteria have lived on Earth.

However, evolution is not doing software design using anywhere near
the same process that we human scientists are.  So I don't think these
sorts of calculations are very directly relevant...

Also very much agreed. Transistor speeds and neural speeds, evolutionary search and intelligent search, are not convertible quantities; it is like trying to convert temperature to mass, or writing an equation that says E = MC^3.

See e.g.

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky                
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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