On Monday 23 April 2007 10:03, Matt Mahoney wrote:
> ...  The brain is a billion times slower per step, has only about 7
> words of short term memory, ...

For some appropriate meaning of "word" -- I'd suggest that "frame" might be 
more useful in thinking about what's going on. One of Miller's magical 7+/-2 
"items" or "chunks" could be any coherent memory or concept (e.g. "That time 
we were in San francisco and saw the street clown with the bush near 
Fisherman's Wharf.") 

I conjecture that the reason there is such a limited number of them is that 
each one is actually a copy of the entire semantic net (and not just, say, a 
pointer into it) which has a full-fledged activation pattern, connection 
strengths, etc, distinct from that of the other "items" in STM.

We really are pigs in space when it comes to discrete symbol manipulation such 
as arithmetic or logic. It's actually harder (mentally) to do a 
multiplication step such as 8*7=56 than to catch a Frisbee -- and I claim 
we're using essentially the same mechanisms: recognize an entire frame, 
search/interpolate memory for the appropriate response, and actuate it. It's 
harder because it takes more effort, not less, to block out all the 
extraneous info from the senses in the "mental exercise".

Someone who's just learned the rules of chess isn't a hell of a lot better 
than a computer when it comes to picking moves. A chess master manages to 
pack a lot more into his representation of any given position than the bare 
coordinates of the pieces -- his frame for a position is just as complex as 
the frame any of us has for any real-world situation. 

Similarly, understanding a sentence is a sequence of reconfigurations of the 
entire network, each of which reflects the partial possible world as created 
by the words heard thus far, and primes the interpretation process for the 
next one for meaning disambiguation, pronoun reference, and the like.

For those of you playing with NL, here's an easy problem: show how your system 
would understand the same meaning from these two sentences:

1. Henry was a 17-year-old boy.
2. Henry was a lad of some 17 summers.

Here's a hard problem: represent the *difference* in meaning between the two.


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