Check "bigrams" (or, more interestingly, "trigrams") in computational linguistics. Department of Information Systems Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (+27)-(0)21-6504256 Fax: (+27)-(0)21-6502280 Office: Leslie Commerce 4.21
>>> Eric Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2007/05/23 15:36:20 >>> One way to parametrize the likelihood of various arguments would be with a table over all two word combinations, the i,j entry gives the likelihood that the ith word and the jth word are the two arguments. But most likely, in reality, the likelihood of the jth word will be much pinned down conditional on the ith. Is there empirical work with this model? ----- This list is sponsored by AGIRI: To unsubscribe or change your options, please go to: