A google search on "operator grammar" + trigram
yields nada.

A google search on "operator grammar" + bigram yields nothing

I've seen papers on statistical language parsing before,
including trigrams etc. Not so clear to me the extent to which
they've been merged with Harris's work.

Jean-Paul> Check "bigrams" (or, more interestingly, "trigrams") in
Jean-Paul> computational linguistics.
Jean-Paul> Department of Information Systems Email:
Jean-Paul> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (+27)-(0)21-6504256
Jean-Paul> Fax: (+27)-(0)21-6502280 Office: Leslie Commerce 4.21

>>>> Eric Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2007/05/23 15:36:20 >>>

Jean-Paul> One way to parametrize the likelihood of various arguments
Jean-Paul> would be with a table over all two word combinations, the
Jean-Paul> i,j entry gives the likelihood that the ith word and the
Jean-Paul> jth word are the two arguments.  But most likely, in
Jean-Paul> reality, the likelihood of the jth word will be much pinned
Jean-Paul> down conditional on the ith.

Jean-Paul> Is there empirical work with this model?

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