YKY (Yan King Yin) wrote:
Hi Ben and others,
Let's analyse the opensource vs closed-source issue in more detail... (limericks are not arugments!) 1. I guess the biggest turn-off about opensource is that it may allow competitors to look at our source and steal our ideas / algorithms.
We used to joke in closed source companies that we could set our competitors back several months at least by exposing our source code to them. There is some truth to this in that most source code does not easily yield up the underlying design principles and any but the most localized algorithms. The rest is more defuse, spread across to much code and to many little details. It isn't that easy to extract. As AI code is some of the most sophisticated around I find it not so troublesome that others see the code. Too much of the explanative design level is obscure once it is coded in most software languages. Now if the code was a sophisticated set of interlocking DSLs written in a language like Lisp I might be a bit more worried. :-)

- samantha

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