On May 30, 2007, at 11:57 PM, Samantha Atkins wrote:
J. Andrew Rogers wrote:
All patents are ideas and algorithms.

Not quite. Would you patent the quadratic equation? How about Newtonian approximation? Means of computing logarithms?

The nice thing about algorithms is that there are so many of them. One of the disingenuous arguments against algorithm patents is that it prevents people from doing things. That is patently false. All algorithm patents do is, at worst, make you use an older and less efficient algorithm to accomplish the exact same thing or expend the effort to invent your own version. If any average person can churn out fantastic new algorithms with only nominal effort then it means that virtually everyone in the software industry is a bloody imbecile because virtually no one does it. Yes, there are a lot of frivolous patents (of all types), but there are also non-frivolous ones (of all types) -- a separate issue.

Patents are meant to spread the fruit of innovation while encouraging more innovation. Software patents quite arguably fail at both.

Nothing in this assertion is not equally applicable to *all* patents. Most non-software patents are frivolous, so an argument on that basis would be pretty irrelevant. As I originally stated, I'm looking for consistency and nothing more. Any defense of non- software patents is equally applicable to software patents, potential ignorance of that fact notwithstanding. As I already stated, no one questions chemical process patents, which have been with us for centuries, yet they map one-to-one onto software patents in every respect that matters.

A better question is this: what new applications are magically enabled by a new algorithm, and if the effort is so trivial why haven't you developed these algorithms? This is where I find the arguments against software patents to just ooze disingenuous. On one hand you can solve world hunger and make white's whiter with a brilliant new algorithm that no one can live without, but at the same time no one has ever solved it before *and* solving it was a trivial exercise. Oh yes, and you want to be the person to solve world hunger using that algorithm, never mind that you could not be bothered to actually solve such a trivial problem. If you want to dispense with all patents I am okay with that, but the transparently contorted rationalizations that people in the software industry like to use to justify their commercial use of someone else's R&D is grotesque. Everyone seems to like patents *except* in industries that affect them in some way, as though that situation is unique.

Do you really want to go back to trade secrets, *particularly* since the frameworks are in place today on many different levels to make that stick much better than they used to? This does not bother me personally, but I don't know that most people have thought it through.

Really? When I would have to consult a considerable patent database to build most any middleware system that I normally would simply start designing and implementing on top of some commonly available parts? In what way would my work and productivity and creativity be improved by this overhead much less negotiating licenses for each and every piece that migh be useful or that, more commonly, was broadly enough claimed in the patent to cover huge families of possible solutions to similar problems?

The rest of the engineering world works the same way. They just have a more organized way of dealing with it.

In reality, most applications never come near legitimate patent disputes. Most people are building boring applications with boring requirements, and when they do need something special they talk to the people that invested the R&D to solve the problem in the first place.


J. Andrew Rogers

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