On Wednesday 20 February 2008 02:58:54 pm, Ben Goertzel wrote:
> I note also that a web-surfing AGI could resolve the color of the moon
> quite easily by analyzing online pictures -- though this isn't pure
> text mining, it's in the same spirit...

Ummmm -- I just typed "moon" into google and at the top of the page it gives 
three pictures. Two are thin sliver crescents. The third, of a full moon, is 
distinctly blue.

> There seems to be an assumption in this thread that NLP analysis
> of text is restricted to simple statistical extraction of word-sequences...

I certainly make no such assumption. I offered the stats to point out the kind 
of traps that lie in wait for the hapless text-miner.

As I am sure you are fully aware, you can't parse English without a knowledge 
of the meanings involved. ("The council opposed the demonstrators because 
they (feared/advocated) violence.") So how are you going to learn meanings 
before you can parse, or how are you going to parse before you learn 
meanings? They have to be interleaved in a non-trivial way. 

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