OK, imagine a lifetime's experience is a billion symbol-occurences. Imagine 
you have a heuristic that takes the problem down from NP-complete (which it 
almost certainly is) to a linear system, so there is an N^3 algorithm for 
solving it. We're talking order 1e27 ops.

Now using HEPP = 1e16 x 30 years = 1e9 secs, you get a total crunch for the 
human of 1e25 ops. That's close enough to call even, I think.  Learning order 
is easily worth a couple orders of magnitude in problem complexity.

Let's build a big cluster...

On Wednesday 20 February 2008 03:51:28 pm, Ben Goertzel wrote:
> Feeding all the ambiguous interpretations of a load of sentences into
> a probabilistic
> logic network, and letting them get resolved by reference to each
> other, is a sort of
> "search for the most likely solution of a huge system of simultaneous
> equations" ...
> i.e. one needs to let each, of a huge set of ambiguities, be resolved
> by the other ones...
> This is not an easy problem, but it's not on the face of it unsolvable...
> But I think the solution will be easier with info from direct
> experience to nudge the
> process in the right direction...
> Ben

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