Engineering in the real world is nearly always a mixture of rigor and
intuition.  Just like analysis of complex biological systems is.

AIEEEEEeeeee! NO! You are clearly not an engineer because a true engineer just wouldn't say this.

Engineering should *NEVER* involve intuition. Engineering does not require exact answers as long as you have error bars but the second that you revert to intuition and guesses, it is *NOT* engineering anymore.

Anyway, I don't expect to convince you that engineered AGI is possible,
until it's actually ready.  It's clear your attitude is pretty fixed
in your mind.

I believe that engineered AGI *IS* possible. I *strongly* disbelieve that intuition applied to complex (or even, complicated) systems is going to get us there.

I don't think your intuition is a stupid one, or even a naive one, I just think
it's wrong.  I don't think that brains are as profoundly irreducible
as you think they are, nor that AGI systems need to be.

Strongly agree.

I think that predicting the relevant
high-level statistical patterns of these complex systems based on understanding
of the components and their interrelationships, is not as hard as you say.

Agree but believe to be entirely irrelevant. What statistical patterns are you talking about and why are they relevant?

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