On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:52 PM, J Storrs Hall, PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I claim that we can and do think in each of the 16 modes implied by the above
>  (and others as well).

That is certainly true...

>  I think the key to AI is not so much to figure how to operate in any given 
> one
>  of them, but how to operate in more than one, using one as a pilot wave or
>  boundary condition for another.  *Creating* symbols from continuous
>  experience. Forming a conditioned reflex by deliberation and practice.

Fair enough. Do you see this integration as being needed for version
1.0; that is, instead of trying first for a program that's good at one
mode, you'd try first for a program that has a minimal competence in
several, and can integrate between them?

If so, do you have any theories on how to achieve this integration?

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