On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Dr. Matthias Heger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  If we imagine a brain scanner with perfect resolution of space and time then
>  we get every information of the brain including the phenomenon of qualia.
>  But we will not be able to understand it.
>  This can be shown by my argumentation about necessary self reference in any
>  explanation of qualia.

I agree that just having precise data isn't enough: in other words,
you won't automatically be able to generalize from such data to
different initial conditions and answer the queries about phenomenon
in those cases. It is a basic statement about what constitutes a
useful theory. My reply tried to convey the absence of requirement for
secret sauce in explaining qualia, which doesn't mean that a bad
explanation will do. I don't see where self reference in explanation
of qualia comes in and what exactly it means.

Vladimir Nesov

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