--- rooftop8000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> I have a lot of parallel processes that are in control of their own
> activation (they can decide which processes are activated and for how
> long). I need some kind of organisation (a simple example would be a
> hierarchy of processes that only activate downwards). 
>  I'm looking for examples of possible organisations or hierarchies in
> existing AI systems or designs of them . Any ideas?
> thanks

I proposed competitive message routing (CMR) as a way to organize lots
of autonomous narrow AI to form AGI.  The idea is that specialists
communicate in natural language (understanding only messages relevant
to their narrow domains) and route messages outside their specialty to
other agents that it knows are more closely related.  This could be
done by simple term matching, although there is an economic incentive
for agents to match the "meanings" of messages more intelligently, such
as matching words to images.

I have so far only investigated its scalability in a very abstract
form.  Building a working model would be very expensive. 
http://www.mattmahoney.net/agi.html (Most people on this list have
already seen this).  

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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