--- "YKY (Yan King Yin)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any standard (even informal) way of representing NL sentences
> in logic?

No.  But it hasn't stopped people from trying.

The meaning of sentences and even paragraphs depends on context that is
not captured in logic.  Consider the following examples, where a different
word is emphasized in each case:

- I didn't steal that.
- I DIDN'T steal that.
- I didn't STEAL that.
- I didn't steal THAT.

And the following where you can guess the emphasis by context.

- I didn't steal that.  He did.
- I didn't steal that.  It is still there.
- I didn't steal that.  I borrowed it.
- I didn't steal that.  I stole this.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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