I believe that logic could work with general AI if it
was partially bounded and related to other partially bounded logical
models.  That is, logical systems can be used to examine theoretical
(or theory-like relational) models of the IO data environment.  However, the
possibility of creating a logical theory of everything as an
implementation of general AI is not reasonable. 

So then, a logical analysis of a subject of interest has to be bounded
and protected.  But a particular logical analysis has to also be
integrated with other related logical analyses in some way.  These
relational connectors may also be logical as long as the entire system
does not have to be integrated into a single (traditional) logical

But this will allow logical errors to survive.  Therefore this kind of
system also needs to use something like overlapping logical analyses in the 
hope that
that it will be able to detect some flaws in the
various partially bounded logical references to the subject matter. A logical 
flaw that may not show up in
one boundary levelmay show up in another overlapping boundary level.

I believe that the way human beings think shows traces of these kinds of 
systems (the
way people deal with ideas - not the neural mechanics of the brain). 
Many people have lucid remarks to offer but they deal with the same
subject matter in different ways.  To some extent this can be seen as
exemplary of having different points of view, but this characteristic
even shows up in very focused discussions of some subject.  To give one
outstanding example, these overlapping partially bounded logical models
often show up in the casual discussion of highly specified and
formalized subjects, even when the discussants are very familiar with
each others views on the subject.

This overlapping models theory requires the explicit use of more
complex programming constructs than is typically discussed in these AI
discussion groups. But I believe that overlapping logical models will develop 
naturally in a program that is written around the theory.

Jim Bromer

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