On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Stefan Pernar wrote:
> "I'm a consultant with DARPA, and I'm working on an initiative to push the
> boundaries of neuromorphic computing (i.e. artificial intelligence). The
> project is designed to advance ideas all fronts, including measuring and
> understanding biological brains, creating AI systems, and investigating the
> fundamental nature of intelligence. I'm conducting a wide search of these
> fields, but I wanted to know if any in this community know of neat projects
> along those lines that I might overlook. Maybe you're working on a project
> like that and want to talk it up? No promises (seriously), but interesting
> work will be brought to the attention of the project manager I'm working
> with. If you want to start up a dialog, send me an email, and we'll see
> where it goes. I'll also be reading the comments for the story."

This sounds like the DARPA SyNAPSE program.

Here is a blog post about the program with a link to the full
specification document:
April 25, 2008
SyNAPSE: Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics
DARPA's Defense Sciences Office (DSO) has recently issued a Broad
Agency Announcement entitled SyNAPSE. The program is led by Dr. Todd

This gives an idea of the people and projects already bidding.
DARPA SyNAPSE Bidders Workshop  March 4, 2008

This is an overview of the meeting from one of the participants.
Report on the DARPA SyNAPSE Teaming Workshop
Leslie Smith     14 March 2008


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