> From: Richard Loosemore Jim,
> I'm sorry:  I cannot make any sense of what you say here.
> I don't think you are understanding the technicalities of the argument I 
> am presenting, because your very first sentence... "But we can invent a 
> 'mathematics' or a program that can" is just completely false.  In a 
> complex system it is not possible to used analytic mathematics to 
> predict the global behavior of the system given only the rules that 
> determine the local mechanisms.  That is the very definition of a 
> complex system (note:  this is a "complex system" in the technical sense 
> of that term, which does not mean a "complicated system" in ordinary 
> language).
> Richard Loosemore

Well lets forget about your theory for a second.  I think that an advanced AI 
program is going to have to be able to deal with complexity and that your 
analysis is certainly interesting and illuminating.

But I want to make sure that I understand what you mean here.  First of all, 
your statement, "it is not possible to use analytic mathematics to predict the 
global behavior of the system given only the rules that determine the local 
By analytic mathematics are you referring to numerical analysis, which the 
article in Wikipedia, 
describes as "the study of algorithms for the problems of continuous 
mathematics (as distinguished from discrete mathematics)".  Because if you are 
saying that the study of continuous mathematics -as distinguished from discrete 
mathematics- cannot be used to represent discreet system complexity, then that 
is kind of a non-starter. It's a cop-out by initial definition. I am primarily 
interested in discreet programming ( I am, of course also interested in 
continuous systems as well), but in this discussion I was expressing my 
interest in measures that can be taken to simplify computational complexity.

Again, Wikipedia gives a slightly more complex definition of complexity than 
you do.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complexity
I am not saying that your particular definition of complexity is wrong, I only 
want to make sure that I understand what it is that you are getting at.

The part of your sentence that read, "...given only the rules that determine 
the local mechanisms," sounds like it might well apply to the kind of system 
that I think would be necessary for a better AI program, but it is not 
necessarily true of all kinds of demonstrations of complexity (as I understand 
them).  For example, consider a program that demonstrates the emergence of 
complex behaviors from collections of objects that obey simple rules that 
govern their interactions.  One can use a variety of arbitrary settings for the 
initial state of the program to examine how different complex behaviors may 
emerge in different environments.  (I am hoping to try something like this when 
I buy my next computer with a great graphics chip in it.)  This means that 
complexity does not have to be represented only in states that had been 
previously generated by the system, as can be obviously seen in the fact that 
initial states are a necessity of such systems.

I think I get what you are saying about complexity in AI and the problems of 
research into AI that could be caused if complexity is the reality of advanced 
AI programming.

But if you are throwing technical arguments at me, some of which are trivial 
from my perspective like the definition of, "continuous mathematics (as 
distinguished from discrete mathematics)," then all I can do is wonder why.

Jim Bromer


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