> From: Abram Demski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> No, not especially familiar, but it sounds interesting. Personally I
> am interested in learning formal grammars to describe data, and there
> are well-established equivalences between grammars and automata, so
> the approaches are somewhat compatible. According to wikipedia,
> semiautomata have no output, so you cannot be using them as a
> generative model, but they also lack accept-states, so you can't be
> using them as recognition models, either. How are you using them?

Hi Abram,

More of recognizing them verses using them to recognize. Also though they
have potential as morphism detection catalysts. 

I haven't designed the formal languages, I guess that I'm still building
alphabets, an alphabet would consist of discrete knowledge structure. My
model is a morphism forest and I will integrate automata networks within
this - but still need to do language design. The languages will run within
the automata networks.

Uhm I'm interested too in languages and protocol. Most modern internet
protocol is primitive. Any ideas on languages and internet protocol?
Sometimes I think that OSI layers need to be refined. Almost like there
needs to be another layer :) a.k.a. Layer 8.

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