On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 7:59 PM, Abram Demski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Agreed. Colin would need to show the inadequacy of both inborn and
> learned bias to show the need for extra input. But I think the more
> essential objection is that extra input is still consistent with
> computationalism.


Also, the visual input to an AGI need not be particularly similar to that of
the human eye ... so if the human brain were somehow getting extra "visual
scene relevant" stimuli from some currently non-suspected source [which I
doubt], this doesn't imply that an AGI would need to use a comparable

Arguably, for instance, camera+lidar gives enough data for reconstruction of
the visual scene ... note that lidar gives more more accurate 3D depth ata
than stereopsis...

ben g

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