On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Abram Demski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ben,
> I think the entanglement possibility is precisely what Colin believes.
> That is speculation on my part of course. But it is something like
> that. Also, it is possible that quantum computers can do more than
> normal computers-- just not under the current theories. Colin hinted
> at some physics experiments.

Well, it is possible that some physical systems can do more than quantum
computers as currently conceived.

However, I think it's better to reserve the term "quantum computers" to
refer to "computers as deemed possible according to quantum mechanics" ...

If Penrose and other radicals are right, then "quantum gravity computers"
may be able to do stuff that quantum computers can't do ... which is
physically sensible since quantum mechanics is known not to be a complete
theory of the physical universe....

> As for your views on quantum probability... I must humbly disagree
> with them. I have not read up on this literature, but for now I'm
> going to stick with what Wikipedia has told me:
> "The more common view regarding quantum logic, however, is that it
> provides a formalism for relating observables, system preparation
> filters and states. In this view, the quantum logic approach resembles
> more closely the C*-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics; in fact
> with some minor technical assumptions it can be subsumed by it. The
> similarities of the quantum logic formalism to a system of deductive
> logic may then be regarded more as a curiosity than as a fact of
> fundamental philosophical importance."

Yes, I know that view of course, and I think it's wrong ... but, arguing
that stuff on this list would be too much of a digression, as well as
something I don't have time for tonight ;-)

Will be fun to debate w/you someday though!!

ben g

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