
I think that's all been extremely clear -and I think you've been very good in 
all your different roles :).  Your efforts have produced a v. good group -and a 
great many thanks for them.
  And, just to clarify: the fact that I set up this list and pay $12/month for 
its hosting, and deal with the  occasional list-moderation issues that arise, 
is not supposed to give my **AI opinions** primacy over anybody else's on the 
list, in discussions....   I only intervene as moderator when discussions go 
off-topic, not to try to push my perspective on people ... and on the rare 
occasions when I am speaking as list owner/moderator rather than as "just 
another AI guy with his own opinions", I try to be very clear that that is the 
role I'm adopting..

  ben g

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