Sure, I know Pylyshyn's work ... and I know very few contemporary AI
scientists who adopt a strong symbol-manipulation-focused view of cognition
like Fodor, Pylyshyn and so forth.  That perspective is rather dated by

But when you say

Where computation is meant in the sense of abstract symbol manipulation
according to rules. 'Rules' means any logic or calculii you'd care to cite,
including any formally specified probablistic/stochastic language. This is
exactly what I mean by COMP.

then things get very very confusing to me.  Do you include a formal neural
net model as computation?  How about a cellular automaton simulation of
QED?  Why is this cellular automaton model not "abstract symbol

If you interpret COMP to mean "A human-level intelligence can be implemented
on a digital computer" or as "A human level intelligence can be implemented
on a digital computer connected to a robot body" or even as "A human level
intelligence, conscious in the same sense that humans are, can be
implemented on a digital computer connected to a robot body" ... then I'll
understand you.

But when you start defining COMP in a fuzzy, nebulous way, dismissing some
dynamical systems as "too symbolic" for your taste (say, probabilistic
logic) and accepting others as "subsymbolic enough" (say, CA simulations of
QED) ... then I start to feel very confused...

I agree that Fodor and Pylyshyn's approaches, for instance, were too focused
on abstract reasoning and not enough on experiential learning and
grounding.  But I don't think this makes their approaches **more
computational** than a CA model of QED ... it just makes them **bad
computational models of cognition** ...

-- Ben G

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 11:01 PM, Colin Hales

> Ben Goertzel wrote:
>> Again, when you say that these neuroscience theories have "squashed the
>> computational theories of mind", it is not clear to me what you mean by "the
>> computational theories of mind."   Do you have a more precise definition of
>> what you mean?
>>  I suppose it's a bit ambiguous. There's computer modelling of mind, and
> then there's the implementation of an actual mind using actual computation,
> then there's the implementation of a brain using computation, in which a
> mind may be said to be operating. All sorts of misdirection.
> I mean it in the sense given in:
> Pylyshyn, Z. W., Computation and cognition : toward a foundation for
> cognitive science, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1984, pp. xxiii, 292 p.
> That is, that a mind is a result of a brain-as-computation. Where
> computation is meant in the sense of abstract symbol manipulation according
> to rules. 'Rules' means any logic or calculii you'd care to cite, including
> any formally specified probablistic/stochastic language. This is exactly
> what I mean by COMP.
> Another slant on it:
> Poznanski, R. R., Biophysical neural networks : foundations of integrative
> neuroscience, Mary Ann Liebert, Larchmont, NY, 2001, pp. viii, 503 p.
> "The literature has highlighted the conceptual ineptness of the computer
> metaphor of the brain.  Computational neuroscience, which serves as a beacon
> for for the transfer of concepts regarding brain function to artificial nets
> for the design of neural computers, ignores the developmental theory of
> neuronal group selection and therefore seriously overestimates the
> computational nature of neuroscience. It attempts to explain brain function
> in terms of the abstract computational and information processing functions
> thought to be carried out in the brain" {citations omitted}.
> I don't know whether this answers your question,....I hope so... it means
> that leaping to a 'brain = computation" in the digital computer sense, is
> not what is going on. It also means that a computer model of the full
> structure is also out. You have to do what the brain does, not run a model
> of it. The brain is a electrodynamic entity, so your AGI has to be an
> electrodynamic entity manipulating natural electromagnetic symbols in a
> similar fashion. The 'symbols' are aggregate in the cohorts mentioned by
> Poznanski. The electrodynamics itself IS the 'computation' which occurs
> naturally in the trajectory through in the multidimensional vector space of
> the matter as a whole. Some symbols are experienced (qualia) and some are
> not.
> cheers
> colin
> .
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first
overcome "  - Dr Samuel Johnson

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