On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Only because it is hard to come up with representations that can be 
> incrementally modified (don't break when you flip 1 bit).

No, I came up with some representations that didn't break, a
sufficiently large percentage of the time. Not perfect of course, but
then neither is DNA. Good enough that wasn't the limiting factor.

> But nature has figured it out.

Nature took a billion years. "I don't know about you gentlemen, but
that's more time than I'm prepared to devote to this enterprise."

> I prefer MMX and SSE2 assembler for x86. It allows you to evaluate 8 synapses 
> in parallel. In PAQ8 I got 6 times the speed of optimized C.

Cool ^.^

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