--- On Fri, 11/14/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The problem is that there may be many possible explanations for why we
>can't explain consciousness.

There may be many reasons why we can't explain why 2 + 2 = 5. Suppose I 
identified all the neurons in your brain that respond to "2 + 2" and all the 
neurons that respond to "5", and connected them so that whenever one set fires, 
the other set fires. If you entered 2 + 2 into a calculator and it said "4" you 
would insist it was broken. If you put 2 pebbles into a bucket and then 2 more 
and saw that there were 4, and if everyone else's brain was wired like yours, 
then philosophers would write books about the mystery of the missing pebble.

All machine learning algorithms must have biases, an assumed a-priori 
distribution over hypothesis space. Otherwise they couldn't learn. What would 
really be surprising would be the case that the human brain were somehow 

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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