Ben Goertzel wrote:


BTW on this topic my view seems closer to Richard's than yours, though not anywhere near identical to his either. Maybe I'll write a blog post on consciousness to clarify, it's too much for an email...

I am very familiar with Dennett's position on consciousness, as I'm sure Richard is, but I consider it a really absurd and silly argument. I'll clarify in a blog post sometime soon, but I don't have time for it now.

Anyway, arguing that experience basically doesn't exist, which is what Dennett does, certainly doesn't solve the hard problem as posed by Chalmers ... it just claims that the hard problem doesn't exist...



I like Dennett's analytical style in many ways, but I was disappointed when I realized where he was going with the multiple drafts account.

He falls into a classic trap. Chalmers says: "Whooaa! There is a big, 3-part problem here: (1) We can barely even define what we mean by "consciousness", (2) That fact of its indefinability seems almost intrinsic to the definition of it!, and then (3) Nevertheless, most of us are convinced that there is something significant that needs to be explained here."

So Chalmers is *pointing* at the dramatic conjunction of the three things <inexplicability>, <inexplicability that seems intrinsic to the definition> and <needs to be explained> ... and he is saying that these three combined make a very, very hard problem.

But then what Dennett does is walk right up and say "Whooaa! There is a big problem here: (1) You can barely even define what you mean by "consciousness", so you folks are just confused."

Chalmers is trying to get Dennett to go upstairs and look at the problem from a higher perspective, but Dennett digs in his heels and insists at looking at the problem *only* from the ground floor level. He can only see the fact there is a problem with defining it, he cannot see the fact that this problem is itself interesting.

What I have tried to do is take it one step further and say that if we understand the nature of the confusion we can actually resolve it (albeit in a weird kind of way).

Richard Loosemore

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