2008/11/26 Ed Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> As we learn just how common exoplanets are, the possibility that aliens have
> visited earth seems increasingly scientifically believable

I'm not sure that alien visitation logically follows from the
discovery of exoplanets.

> There have, in fact, been many
> reportings of UFOs from sources that are hard to reject out of hand.

Well I'm happy to report that I can dismiss all the reports which I've
read about out of hand, since they don't really constitute good
evidence in my opinion.  Blurry photos or videos, and anecdotal claims
wouldn't stand up to serious scrutiny in a scientific journal.

>  An
> astronaut that NASA respected enough to send to the moon, has publicly
> stated he has attended government briefings in which he was told there is
> substantial evidence aliens have repeatedly visited earth.

Unfortunately if you read the biography of this guy it seems that he's
held outspoken views on such things for a very long time.  Astronauts
are not supermen - they're just ordinary people with the same biases
and superstitions as everyone else.  They're just as likely to believe
in conspiracy theories and other wacky stuff.

I should say that I do think there is a good chance that the universe
is populated with life, but that we have observed no direct evidence
of this at present.  Also, the existence of life does not necessarily
imply human-like life with an advanced technological civilization.
Having a large brain is only one minority strategy for reproducing
your genes.

But, all of the above is off topic, so you can safely ignore it.

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