Well, robotics has typically been better funded than AI, a fact that I
attribute to many peoples' intuitive liking for paying for building physical
stuff rather than "just software" ...

I admit I'm not a professional salesman, but OTOH I've been keeping a small
business with ~20 staff afloat for 7 years, so I'm not totally ignorant in
that domain either.

I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on how to sell the idea of an
artificial worm.  I note that funding for Alife peaked 10-15 years ago.

Peter Voss raised $$ for A2I2, so far as I know, largely from investors he
had previously known in his "past life" as a successful non-AI
entrepreneur.  In other words, I believe it was largely his proven business
experience that enabled him to raise substantial angel investor funds for
his AI project.  Furthermore, his pitch and biz plan as I understand it
involves fairly-near-term practical applications that are not heavily based
on transfer learning but rather focused on supplying one domain-specific
functionality (which has not yet been disclosed ;-)


On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Mike Tintner <tint...@blueyonder.co.uk>wrote:

> Ben,
> For the record yet again, I certainly believe *robotic* AGI is possible - I
> disagree only with the particular approaches I have seen.
> I disagree re the importance/attractiveness of achieving "small" AGI. Hey,
> just about all animals are v. limited by comparison with humans in their
> independent learning capacities and motivation. But if anyone could achieve
> something with even the limited generality/ domain-crossing power of say a
> worm, it would be a huge thing. If you can dismiss that, I can tell you with
> my marketing hat on, you have a limited understanding of how to sell here.
> IMO small AGI is an easy and exciting sell - provided you have a reasonable
> idea to offer. (Isn't some kind of small AGI v. roughly - from the little
> I've gathered - what Voss is aiming for?)
> Mike,
> The lack of AGI funding can't be attributed solely to its risky nature,
> because other highly costly and highly risk research has been consistently
> funded.
> For instance, a load of $$ has been put into building huge particle
> accelerators, in the speculative hope that they  might tell us something
> about fundamental physics.
> And, *so* much $$ has been put into parallel processing and various
> supercomputing hardware projects ... even though these really have
> contributed little, and nearly all progress has been made using commodity
> computing hardware, in almost every domain.
> Not to mention various military-related boondoggles like the hafnium
> bomb... which never had any reasonable scientific backing at all.
> Pure theoretic research in string theory is funded vastly more than pure
> theoretic research in AGI, in spite of the fact that string theory has never
> made an empirical prediction and quite possibly never will, and has no near
> or medium term practical applications.
> I think there are historical and psychological reasons for the bias against
> AGI funding, not just a rational assessment of its risk of failure.
> For one thing, people have a strong bias toward wanting to fund the
> creation of large pieces of machinery.  They just look impressive.  They
> make big scary noises, and even if the scientific results aren't great, you
> can take your boss on a tour of the facilities and they'll see Multiple
> Wizzy-Looking Devices.
> For another thing, people just don't *want* to believe AGI is possible --
> for similar emotional reasons to the reasons *you* seem not to want to
> believe AGI is possible.  Many people have a nonscientific intuition that
> mind is too special to be implemented in a computer, so they are more
> skeptical of AGI than of other risky scientific pursuits.
> And then there's the history of AI, which has involved some overpromising
> and underdelivering in the 1960s and 1970s -- though, I think this factor is
> overplayed.  After all, plenty of Big Physics projects have overpromised and
> underdelivered.  The Human Genome project, wonderful as it was for biology,
> also overpromised and underdelivered: where are all the miracle cures that
> were supposed to follow the mapping of the genome?   The mapping of the
> genome was a critical step, but it was originally sold as being more than it
> could ever have been ... because biologists did not come clean to
> politicians about the fact that mapping the genome is only the first step in
> a long process to understanding how the body generates disease (first the
> genome, then the proteome, the metabolome, systems biology, etc.)
> Finally, your analysis that AGI funding would be easier to achieve if
> researchers focused on transfer learning among a small number of domains,
> seems just not accurate.  I don't see why transfer learning among 2 or 3
> domains would be appealing to conservative, pragmatics-oriented funders.  I
> mean
> -- on the one hand, it's not that exciting-sounding, except to those very
> deep in the AI field
> -- also, if your goal is to get software that does 3 different things, it's
> always going to seem easier to just fund 3 projects to do those 3 things
> specifically using narrowly-specialized methods, instead of making a riskier
> investment in something more nebulous like transfer learning
> I think the AGI funding bottleneck will be broken either by
> -- some really cool demonstrated achievement [I'm working on it!! ...
> though it's slow with so little funding...]
> -- a nonrational shift in attitude ... I mean, if string theory and
> supercolliders can attract $$ in the absence of immediate utility or
> demonstrated results, so can AGI ... and the difference is really just one
> of culture, politics and mass psychology
> or a combination of the two...
> ben
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 6:02 AM, Mike Tintner <tint...@blueyonder.co.uk>wrote:
>> Ben: Research grants for AGI are very hard to come by in the US, and from
>> what I hear, elsewhere in the world also
>> That sounds like -  no academically convincing case has been made for
>> pursuing not just long-term AGI & its more grandiose ambitions (which is
>> understandable/ obviously v.  risky) but ALSO its simpler ambitions, i.e.
>> making even the smallest progress towards *general* as opposed to
>> *specialist/narrow* intelligence, producing a ,machine, say, that could
>> cross just two or three domains. If the latter is true, isn't that rather an
>> indictment of the AGI field?
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
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