Ed Porter wrote:
I don’t think this AGI list should be so quick to dismiss a $4.9 million dollar grant to create an AGI. It will not necessarily be “vaporware.” I think we should view it as a good sign.

Even if it is for a project that runs the risk, like many DARPA projects (like most scientific funding in general) of not necessarily placing its money where it might do the most good --- it is likely to at least produce some interesting results --- and it just might make some very important advances in our field.

The article from http://www.physorg.com/news148754667.html said:

“…a $4.9 million grant…for the first phase of DARPA's Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) project.

Tononi and scientists from Columbia University and IBM will work on the "software" for the thinking computer, while nanotechnology and supercomputing experts from Cornell, Stanford and the University of California-Merced will create the "hardware." Dharmendra Modha of IBM is the principal investigator.

The idea is to create a computer capable of sorting through multiple streams of changing data, to look for patterns and make logical decisions.

There's another requirement: The finished cognitive computer should be as small as a the brain of a small mammal and use as little power as a 100-watt light bulb. It's a major challenge. But it's what our brains do every day.

I have just spent several hours reading a Tononi paper, “An information integration theory of consciousness” and skimmed several parts of his book "A Universe of Consciousness" he wrote with Edleman, whom Ben has referred to often in his writings. (I have attached my mark up of the article, which if you read just the yellow highlighted text, or (for more detail) the red, you can get a quick understanding of. You can also view it in MSWord outline mode if you like.)

This paper largely agrees with my notion, stated multiple times on this list, that consciousness is an incredibly complex computation that interacts with itself in a very rich manner that makes it aware of itself.

For the record, this looks like the paper that I listened to Tononi talk about a couple of years ago -- the one I mentioned in my last message.

It is, for want of a better word, nonsense. And since people take me to task for being so dismissive, let me add that it is the central thesis of the paper that is "nonsense": if you ask yourself very carefully what it is he is claiming, you can easily come up with counterexammples that make a mockery of his conclusion.

Richard Loosemore

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