And I just realized that I can’t do that until there’s an election. Oops.
Well, I support. Unlike other offices, where stability is usually
preferable, there should be an election for PM on a regular basis, as a way
to bring in new ideas. Even if I win, I will enjoy listening to the
opinions of my fellow candidates and carefully considering their vision for
Agora. I hope they will extend the same courtesy to me.


On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 6:04 PM Aris Merchant <> wrote:

> I stand for Prime Minister. I’ll submit a campaign statement when I have a
> chance to write one.
> -Aris
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 6:03 PM Kerim Aydin <>
> wrote:
>> I intend to initiate an election for Prime Minister, with 2 Support.
>> Anti-campaign statement
>> First, I'm required to make myself a candidate to use the above method,
>> (R2154(a)).  However, I held the position in spring, so I pledge that
>> I won't vote for me or encourage votes for me (nor cause any zombies
>> to vote for me).
>> So why am I intending to initiate?  Because rotating the P.M. position
>> every 90 days is a good, healthy thing for Agora!  With great respect to
>> this prosperous period that H. P.M. Aris has ushered us through, it's
>> time for us to consider someone who is the other guy, or not the other
>> guy, or not not the other guy, as the case may be.

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