I support.

On 10/24/2018 9:01 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

I intend to initiate an election for Prime Minister, with 2 Support.

Anti-campaign statement

First, I'm required to make myself a candidate to use the above method,
(R2154(a)).  However, I held the position in spring, so I pledge that
I won't vote for me or encourage votes for me (nor cause any zombies
to vote for me).

So why am I intending to initiate?  Because rotating the P.M. position
every 90 days is a good, healthy thing for Agora!  With great respect to
this prosperous period that H. P.M. Aris has ushered us through, it's
time for us to consider someone who is the other guy, or not the other
guy, or not not the other guy, as the case may be.

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