My votes:

> 8112  G., ATMunn          1.0   The Middle Way

> 8113  Trigon              1.0   Auction cleanup

> 8114  Trigon, twg, G.     1.0   Free auctions 2
AGAINST.  Not horrible or anything, but people can do this via contracts
and whatnot already and it seems like clutter.

> 8115  Aris, Trigon        1.5   Heraldic uncertainty
AGAINST.  This is broken technically (you don't want to ratify the whole
report, especially Champion categories) but also I'm not keen on the
idea, as the self-ratification of the proposal out of existence just
showed, you don't want to self-ratify long-term records.

> 8116  Trigon, D Margaux   1.5   Control-C, Control-V

> 8117  D Margaux, twg      2.0   Fix for Uncertain Laurelings
AGAINST.  The "defer" mechanism is unclear on timing.  Does the
deference end the instant a judgement is delivered?  Does that
make the PM retroactively late at performance?

> 8118  G.                  2.0   Laurels Last Longer

> 8119  D Margaux           2.0   Criminal Justice Adjustments Act
FOR.  No harm in a change while the larger reforms are being drafted.

> 8120  D Margaux           2.0   Blot Decay
AGAINST.  I prefer the perp to acknowledge their crimes as opposed to
automatic absolution.

> 8121  G.                  3.0   Retroactive Documents

> 8122  Murphy              3.0   Middle of the road
PRESENT.  I really want to think on this one.  Departing from a 1 vote
baseline is a big step.

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