Ok, hopefully last time!

I withdraw the proposal Ritual Sacrifice from the pool.

I submit the following proposal, Ritual Sacrifice, AI-1:

Create a Rule entitled "The Ritual", Power-0.5, with the following

     Any player CAN perform The Ritual by paying a fee of 7 Coins.
     The Ritual MUST be performed at least once in every Agoran week.
     If The Ritual was performed at least once in the previous Agoran
     week, then the Ruleset is Appeased.

     If the Ruleset is appeased, then any player CAN banish this rule
     (cause it to repeal itself) with N Agoran Consent, where N is the
     maximum of 1.0 and 10/(B+1), rounded up to the nearest 0.1, and B
     is the number of weeks that the Ruleset has been continuously
     appeased at the moment of banishment.


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