On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 2:34 PM Alexis Hunt via agora-business
<agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> But at the same time, the text does not
> allow it to be purely clarifying, as it refers to the next time a player
> earns "a ribbon" with no limitation on the colour ribbon. If it were purely
> clarifying, it would have to refer to the next time a player owns the same
> colour of ribbon, or at least another colour which the player already owns.
> But since earning any ribbon is a distinct event, this language must have
> meaning of its own.

This is an excellent point which I overlooked.  I wanted to interpret
"once (until e earns another ribbon)" as effectively 'once per earning
event', which does strain the wording a little, but seems to be the
intent.  However, the fact that earning a not-already-owned ribbon
would also satisfy the "until" makes it much harder to justify that
transformation.  With that in mind, I agree with the judgement.

Proposal: Glitteral

Amend Rule 2602 (Glitter) to read:

      Each time a player earns a type of Ribbon while already owning
      that type of Ribbon, e CAN, once within the next 7 days, claim a
      consolation prize by announcement.  Claiming a consolation prize
      causes em to earn N+1 coins, where N is the number of players
      that do not own the same type of Ribbon.

[Tried to make it as clear as possible without being excessively
verbose.  I split it into two sentences because the change in timing
of the antecedent would otherwise create ambiguity about when "N+1"
should be evaluated.]

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