On Sat, 16 May 2020 at 05:22, Aris Merchant via agora-business
<agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I submit the following Dragon Corporation Amendment Proposals:
> ---
> Presidential Elections
> Replace the first paragraph of Bylaw 6: Recordkeeping with the following:
>   A contract-defined office behaves as closely as possible to a regular 
> office,
>   except that:
>   - its only salary is 5 banknotes once per payday
>   - only members can hold it
>   - only members can take, support, or object to actions that would change its
>     officeholder
>   - a person's voting strength in elections for it is equal to the
>     number of shares e holds
>   President of the Dragon Corporation is a contract-defined office.
> ---
> Shorter Voting Periods
> Replace the second paragraph of Bylaw 2: Proposals with the following:
>   If a Corporate Proposal was submitted more than 4 but fewer than 21 days
>   ago, and the proposal has approval (as defined in other bylaws), and the
>   proposal has not been applied, then any member may, by announcement,
>   apply the proposal, which has effects as defined in other bylaws.
> If Bylaw 6: Recordkeeping contains an unordered list, add as a new item at
> the end of that list the following:
>   - Agoran decisions to select its holder have a voting period of 4 days
> ---

I vote FOR the first amendment quoted above. I consent to the second
amendment, but have mixed feelings.

- Falsifian

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