On 6/25/20 5:24 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-official wrote:
> The below is CFJ 3858.  I assign it to grok.
> CFJ Statement:
> An action to be performed with 7 days notice depends on objections.


Reposting the relevant clause with my Gratuitous for readability:

       The above notwithstanding, if an action depends on objections, and
       an objection to an intent to perform it has been withdrawn within
       the past 24 hours, then Agora is not Satisfied with that intent.

"X depends on Y" reads to me as "Y is important to the result of X". 
There's at least one possible objection, that of the speaker, that is 
important to the result of any dependent action intent. I think it's 
pretty clear that all dependent action intents depend on the objection 
of the speaker.

The only reasonable counterargument I see is that the relevant clause is 
simply not intended to apply here. You could argue that "on objections" 
refers to objections in general, as opposed to any particular objections 
(like the Speaker's). However, if we look at the original purpose of the 
clause, that seems unlikely.

In May 2009 two players performed a scam by objecting to an intent they 
wanted to pass - the objections tricked other players into assuming it 
would fail - and then withdrawing their objections last minute to 
resolve it [1][2]. A patch was quickly introduced that added the first 
version of this text, which impressively has lasted since then [3].

So the purpose of the clause is to make it where a person can't scam by 
doing a 'faux' objection. While "with notice" and the Speaker's veto 
didn't exist at the time, the sensible interpretation with these newer 
mechanics is that the Speaker also shouldn't be able to do faux objections.

Thus, an in-context reading suggests the clause should apply to anything 
anyone can object to. I submit that H. Judge Grok should find this CFJ TRUE.




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