One week ago, proposal 8565, "Popularity Contest", passed. Thereupon,
I won the game. Now that its resolution has self-ratified, I am
prepared to deliver my ascension address to the people of Agora.

You are all absolute fools. You have made the mistake of giving me
power, and now that I have it, I shall never relinquish it. I will
grind the game of Agora under my heel, using it as part of my plot to
bring down conquest upon nomics everywhere. I will become your
emperor, and command and destroy at my whim, as you cower in the
terror of my...

Wait. Sorry, I think I pulled out the wrong speech. Let me start over.

Thank you Agorans. I am truly honored that you have seen fit to crown
me as victor of the popularity contest. I could not have done it
without your loyal support. Now that I have been recognized for my
outstanding awesomeness and coolness (/j), I think it is time for me
to thank those who have assisted me in this endeavor.

I cause the rule "Popularity Contest" to grant patent titles as follows:

To ATMunn, Aris, Cuddle Beam, G., Jason, Murphy, Trigon, and
cuddlybanana, the patent title "Popular", for their support in voting
FOR my proposal.

To ATMunn, the patent title "Popular Philanthropist", for asking only
for a patent title when offered a monetary incentive to lend eir aid.

To Jason and Trigon, the patent title "Very Popular", for giving me
the advice that allowed me to complete my ascension. The same title to
myself, because I also came up with a bunch of the schemes, and also
because it allows me to do a nice title pyramid.

To myself, the patent title "Most Popular", as the victor of the
popularity contest.

Furthermore, I give 50 coins each to ATMunn, Cuddle Beam, G., Murphy,
and cuddlybanana, and 100 coins each to Trigon and Jason. This isn't
part of any deal, I just feel like it.

Let me know if I've missed any obligations I can currently fulfill.

Finally, thanks again everyone for your help and support.


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