On Mon, Jul 05, 2021 at 01:17:51AM +0000, Falsifian via agora-business wrote:
> I propose the following amendment to the Agoran Press contract, and I
> consent to it.
> (Note: the proposed text below is my last draft plus a sentence
> implementing Telna's suggestion that people SHOULD become Editor when
> they do things.)

With consent from myself, Telna, ATMunn and Murphy (but not
necessarily from Gaelan or Lucidiot), I apply the amendment
(quoted below).

> {{
> Change the text of the contract to the following:
> {
> Purpose: support the documentation of Agoran events in a way that
> informs current players and non-players and also supports future
> research.
> -- Joining and leaving --
> Parties to this contract are called Reportors.
> Any person CAN join or leave this contract by announcement.
> -- Reporting --
> A Weekly Report is a summary of notable events for a given Agoran Week.
> Notability, and what must be included in a summary, are at the author's
> discretion.
> Any player can Report on a past Agoran week by publishing a Weekly
> Report for it, as long as all the following are true:
> * No other player has dibs on that week, as described in this contract.
> * No other Weekly Report has been published for that week.
> * It's at most one year in the past.
> -- Gratitude --
> When a player has Reported on an Agoran Week but has not yet been
> Thanked for that report, any player CAN Thank them for it:
> - by announcement, if the thanker has not Thanked anyone yet this
>   month; or
> - by Agoran Consent.
> -- Dibs --
> Any player can call dibs on a specified week by announcement. That
> player then has dibs on that week, unless another player already had
> it.
> A player can release dibs on a week by announcement: then they no
> longer have dibs.
> When a player's continuously had dibs on a week for 14 days, e
> automatically releases dibs on that week.
> -- Payment --
> Coins Owed are a currency. Whenever a player is Thanked (as defined in
> this contract), e earns 5 boatloads of Coins Owed.
> Whenever this contract owns at least N Coins (for any nonnegative
> integer N), any player CAN transfer N Coins from this contract to
> emself by paying a fee of N Coins Owed.
> To "Redeem N Coins Owed" is to pay N Coins Owed to transfer N Coins
> from this contract to oneself.
> -- Conversion --
> Credits are a currency. If any Credits exist, each Credit is
> immediately replaced with 5 Boatloads of Coins Owed (with the same
> owner). In particular, this happens immediately after the contract is
> first amended to include this provision.
> -- Accounting --
> Any player can become The Editor or cease being The Editor by
> announcement. In other words, The Editor is the last person to
> claim the role, if e has not left it since.
> The Editor is the recordkeepor for Coins and Credits.
> Whenever a players publishes a Weekly Report or Redeems Coins Owed, e
> SHOULD then become the Editor and publish a report.
> -- Amendment --
> Any Reportor can propose an amendment to this contract by announcement.
> If an amendment was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least two thirds
> (rounded up) of all Reportors consent to it, and it has not yet been
> applied, then any Reportor can enact it by announcement. When it is
> enacted, first, non-consenting players cease to be parties to this
> contract, and then it is applied.
> }
> }}
> -- 
> Falsifian


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