coppro wrote:

> Geoffrey Spear wrote:
>> CoE: ais523 is not the author of this proposal; e retracted eir
>> version shortly before I distributed.  I believe the precedent is that
>> it was distributed with no author, although my reading of the current
>> rules makes it look to me that I'm the author.  In either case, it's a
>> recipe for timing scams.
> Proposal: Fix Promotion Mistakes (AI=3)
> {{{
> In Rule 107, replace
>       An Agoran decision is initiated when a person authorized to
>       initiate it publishes a valid notice which sets forth the intent
>       to initiate the decision.  This notice is invalid if it lacks
>       any of the following information, and the lack is correctly
>       identified within one week after the notice is published:
> with
>       An Agoran decision is initiated when a person authorized to
>       initiate it publishes a valid notice which sets forth the intent
>       to initiate the decision.  This notice must include the following
>       information, and is invalid if it lacks any of this information,
>       or the information is incorrect (and the incorrect information
>       could not constitute a valid alternate method of initiating the
>       decision; this does not include taking other actions implicitly
>       as a part of the Decision's initiation).
> }}
> This should clear things up.

It will do precisely the opposite.  Validation of notices where no one
notices an error promptly is an intentional form of quasi-ratification.

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