On Thu, 5 Jul 2012, ais523 wrote:
> I had more fun
> back in the era of Infinitely Accumulable Currency, and we haven't tried
> anything even remotely similar since

Yes, let's do it again!

> Yet, I acknowledge the intrinsic unfairness to
> new players that such a system can bring (it never stopped /me/ when I
> was new, although it took several months to catch up).

New player award ~ 2 months accumulation.

> Our more recent systems tended to have a decay on the order of a week
> (rubles, etc) or month (Caste). A month is quite a short time in Agora;

I think Caste worked a bit better because while movements were once a 
month, the movements weren't a full reset but just up-or-down (i.e. 
you could position yourself longer-term).  At a rough guess, I'd call this 
a "quarterly" scale game.  IMO, over the years, "quarterly" is a good time
scale for political system turnover (i.e. that's about the right number of
distributions) but that's orthogonal to the time scale of any particular 
type of game/win condition we're playing.  I think a long game is good.

> It wouldn't replace the current economy, which works fine
> day-to-day, even if it is a bit boring; quick decay is probably better
> for that sort of thing.

A basic way of earning the long-term currency could be to trade in X
rubles.  Basically "free" in that the rubles would decay anyway, but
requiring an active announcement/participation or choice (if there are
multiple options).

> Then once a year, we
> reset the whole thing to 0 and give rewards for people who did well
> (should definitely be wins involved somehow, might be better if it's for
> "anyone who did well enough" rather than "highest score", and perhaps a
> patent title for the overall high scorer).

I think a "once a year" win is a good time scale.  Maybe a compromise is 
"top N" get a named award?  (The "anyone who does well enough" could end 
up as "everyone").  One of the reasons I disliked the more recent Points 
is that it was *too* egalitarian in that it didn't reset when someone won.

> Is this an interesting enough basic system that I should try to work out
> the details? (Nor would it replace Promises, which are an
> awesome background currency to have around, and get more interesting the
> more things they have to interact with.)

I think we should have enough complexity in currency to encourage trades.
To do this, trades need to be win/win, which means multiple routes to
victory.  I wonder - we haven't really tried this - if there's a way to
manage "secret" victory conditions.  Anyone ever played Careers?  It
works like:
   1.  3 types of accumulatable currency (x,y,z).  IMO, more (notes,
       ribbons) is too complicated to watch others' strategies.
   2.  Everyone chooses a secret win formula:
       "I win if I get at least 3x + 27y + 30z", to be a valid formula
       the coefficients have to add to 60.
   3.  Different mechanisms for earning x,y,z, but a priori, one isn't
       rarer/harder than others.  Rareness comes from chosen paths.

Only real challenge is how to save/store/confirm secret formulas.
Maybe reasonable is Player publishes a Hash (only allowed to change
that once in a rare while), recordkeepor tracks hashes.


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