On Tue, 9 Apr 2013, Tanner Swett wrote:
> I submit a proposal, titled "Recycling":
> Enact a rule, titled "Recycling":
>       Any person CAN, by announcement, Recycle a Patent Title e Bears,
>       unless the Patent Title is a Handicap.  When this happens, e
>       CAN, by announcement, in the same message, revoke that Patent
>       Title from emself and award emself the Patent Title Recycler.
> To the last paragraph of Rule 2387 "Ribbons", append the sentence
> "Renascent is a Handicap."

In my 11 years of (off-and-on) service as Herald, I have come to believe 
and strive to uphold that past patent titles are a permanent and 
unchanging record of the game's full history.  If you want to limit this 
to certain modern patent titles that can be re-rewarded, ok.

(I like the other proposals though, I think).


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