omd wrote:

- You can retract/change votes.

And if you've already cast all your votes on a given proposal, then you
need to specify that you retract/change; simply casting more votes
doesn't work.  [Rule 683, "first N"]

- The ratio of FOR to AGAINST has to be >= the adoption index for the proposal 
to be adopted; higher AI lets the proposal affect higher-powered rules.

The ratio also has to be > 1, even if the adoption index = 1.  [Rule
955 (b), "strength of FOR is greater than the strength of AGAINST"]

- Voting has been democratic for virtually all proposals for a long time, but 
afaik the recent reintroduction of VVLOP should change that (which makes the 
game more interesting); you can still submit Democratic proposals if you want a 
fair vote.

The default chamber was/is Ordinary [Rule 1950], but up until recently,
that was pretty much small-d democratic in practice (each voter had two
votes per proposal, allowing e.g. "1 FOR, 1 PRESENT" to indicate weak

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