Good day Agorans,

A minor correction to the previous report: "woggle" (Alex Hunt, ais523 in Agora, who chose someone else's nickname here as part of a counter-scam unrelated to this game) actually got 120 points by Goethe's proposals 358-360.

There are three CFJs pending. By rules 213 and 215, I have 24 hours to assign a Judge to a CFJ, and the Judge then has 24 hours to rule. These die on the order paper. I tried my best to resolve the controversy informally for two of them. The third was just called.

The first was called by Yally and argues that proposal 364 is invalid, it imposes a punishment worse than losing and therefore violates rule 113. This CFJ has no merit.

The second was called by Steve and argues that Blob's forfeiture due to rule 346 was an unfair retroactive application of rule 345 and therefore violates rule 108. I disagree with this, as discussed. And, it becomes a moot question.

The third was just called by omd and argues that proposal 364 is invalid by the way it refers to a rule. I don't agree with this either, but we never got a chance to discuss it. I argue now: this is the sort of thing we've been doing all along -- the rule it refers to is specified beforehand, and it's quite clear. In fact this is a necessary concession to (a) having multiple proposals on the table at once and (b) rules getting re-numbered by amendment.

Points report: this is the only turn rules 306 and 309 were used, to transfer points and buy votes, respectively.
 - omd bought an extra vote on 363
 - Chuck bought 3 extra votes on 364
 - Chuck gave his last 10 points to Steve
- Goethe gave 110 points to Steve (as he promised to do for the winner of the scavenger hunt)
 - Michael bought an extra vote on 364
 - Steve bought 5 extra votes on 364
 - Goethe bought 3 extra votes on 364
 - omd bought 4 extra votes on 364
 - omd gave 33 points to Walker
 - Walker bought 4 extra votes on 364

ehird attempted to buy 2 extra votes on 364, but was just a shade too late. Not that it would matter.

And we have a last minute registration, Ørjan. Just in time to lose!


Proposition 363 (omd) fails 4:7 with Walker, omd(x2), and ehird FOR; Steve, Chuck, woggle, Yally, Ørjan, Michael, Goethe AGAINST. omd forfeits, losing the game an infinitessimal instant earlier than most everyone else.

Proposition 364 (Steve) passes 17:12 with Steve(x6), Chuck(x4), Ørjan, Michael(x2), and Goethe(x4) FOR; Walker(x5), omd(x5), woggle, and Yally AGAINST. This gives Steve 10 extra points for passing a proposal. Then it amends rule 344, re-instates Blob, and the game ends in a joint win by fiat.

There was one new proposal made after my last report, but there was no point in me distributing it.

So the final scores were:
  omd, 0 points
  FSX, 45 points
  Walker, 45 points
  Chuck, 0 points      [WON]
  ehird, 120 points
  Yally, 120 points
  Michael, 40 points   [WON]
  scshunt, 171 points
  Roujo, 45 points
  Murphy, 125 points   [WON]
  Goethe, 10 points    [WON]
  Steve, 37 points     [WON]
  Blob, 60 points      [WON]
  Tiger, 40 points
  woggle, 120 points
  Ørjan, 0 points

Then there's me, I was Speaker, and I had 10 points.

I hope I have settled any remaining controversy... haha, not likely with you lot eh? Well, we'll just have to resolve it by consensus afterwards. I think the result is clear. In any case, none of the disputed matters raised so far would alter the fact that the game is either over, or frozen. Proposal 363 is the only thing that would have extended the game, and it would not pass under any interpretation.

It has been my pleasure to be your Speaker for this bit of fast-paced nonsense. I discharge my last formal duty by including the final ruleset below. I will also post an end-of-game statement, and I encourage other players to do likewise.

Thanks for playing guys. And happy birthday Agora!

Yours truly,
 Dan Mehkeri


Rule 101 (Immutable)

 All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect,
in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the
Initial Set are in effect at the beginning of the first game.

The Initial Set consists of rules 101-116 (immutable) and
201-219 (mutable).

Initial Immutable Rule 101, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 102 (Immutable)

 Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the
200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted
(that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may
be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules
in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.

Initial Immutable Rule 102, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 103 (Immutable)

 At any time, each player shall be either a Voter or the Speaker;
no player may simultaneously be a Voter and a Speaker. At any
time there shall be exactly one Speaker. The term "player" in the rules
shall specifically include both the Voters and the Speaker.

Initial Immutable Rule 103, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 104 (Immutable)

 The Speaker for the Vigintennial game shall be Daniel Méhkeri.

Initial Immutable Rule 104, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 105 (Immutable)

 A rule change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal,
or amendment of a mutable rule; or (2) the transmutation
of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.

(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new
rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable,
may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are
mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be
transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)

Initial Immutable Rule 105, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 106 (Immutable)

 All rule changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on.
They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number
of votes and quorum is achieved.

Initial Immutable Rule 106, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 107 (Immutable)

 Any proposed rule change must be posted to the mailing list
designated by the Speaker for this purpose. If adopted, it must
guide play in the form in which it was voted on.

Initial Immutable Rule 107, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 108 (Immutable)

 No rule change may take effect earlier than the moment of the
completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording
explicitly states otherwise. No rule change may have retroactive

Initial Immutable Rule 108, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 109 (Immutable)

 The Speaker shall give each proposed rule change a number for
reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule change
proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive
integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted.

If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the
proposal to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it
receives the number of the proposal to amend or transmute it.

Initial Immutable Rule 109, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 111 (Immutable)

 In a conflict between a mutable and an immutable rule, the
immutable rule takes precedence and the mutable rule shall be
entirely void. For the purposes of this rule a proposal to
transmute an immutable rule does not "conflict" with that immutable

Initial Immutable Rule 111, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 113 (Immutable)

 A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than
continue to play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than
losing, in the judgment of the player to incur it, may be imposed.

Initial Immutable Rule 113, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 115 (Immutable)

 Rule changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply
rule changes are as permissible as other rule changes. Even
rule changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible.
No rule change or type of move is impermissible solely on account of
the self-reference or self-application of a rule.

Initial Immutable Rule 115, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 116 (Immutable)

 Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted
and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules,
which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or
implicitly permits it.

Initial Immutable Rule 116, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 202 (Mutable)

 All players begin with 0 points. Points may not be gained, lost, or
traded except as explicitly stated in the rules.

Initial Mutable Rule 202, Jun. 30 1993


[The following rule is REPEALED:
 Rule 203

 The winner is the first Voter to achieve 100 (positive) points.
If more than one Voter achieves this condition simultaneously, all
such Voters win.
When a game ends in this manner:
  -If there is only one winner, that Voter becomes the Speaker, and
   the old Speaker becomes a Voter
  -If there is more than one winner, the Speaker randomly selects
   one of the winners, who becomes the new Speaker, and the old
   Speaker becomes a Voter.
  -All players' scores are reset to 0.
  -A new game is begun. All rules and proposed rule changes retain
   the status they had at the end of the old game.

Initial Mutable Rule 203, Jun. 30 1993
Repealed for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 204 (Mutable)

 A proposal shall be made by posting it to the mailing list. Only
Voters may make proposals. The Speaker shall assign the proposal a
number within 24 hours of its posting.

Initial Mutable Rule 204, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 208 (Mutable)

 At the end of the prescribed voting period on a proposal, the
Speaker shall reveal all votes legally cast on that proposal. If
the Speaker's consent may be required for a proposal to be adopted,
then the Speaker should indicate at that time whether or not e gives
eir consent. If the Speaker does not explicitly indicate that e
refuses to consent to the proposal, it shall be assumed that e

Initial Mutable Rule 208, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 209 (Mutable)

 The required votes for a proposal to be adopted is as follows:
For a proposal which would directly alter the actions which are
required of and/or forbidden to the Speaker:
 a) a simple majority of all votes legally cast, if the Speaker
 b) a 2/3 majority of all votes legally cast, if the Speaker does not

For all other proposals, a simple majority of votes legally cast.
This rule defers to rules which set the required number of votes
for proposals which propose to transmute a rule.

Initial Mutable Rule 209, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 210 (Mutable)

An adopted rule change takes full effect at the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it.

Initial Mutable Rule 210, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 212 (Mutable)

 If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if
two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule
with the lowest ordinal number takes precedence.
If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself
that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence
over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall
supersede the numerical method for determining precedence.
If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another or
defer to one another, then the numerical method again governs.

Initial Mutable Rule 212, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 213 (Mutable)

 If players disagree about the legality of a move or the
interpretation or application of a rule, then a player may invoke
judgement by posting a statement for judgement to the mailing list.
Disagreement, for the purposes of this rule, may be created by the
insistence of any player. When judgement is invoked, the Speaker
must, within 24 hours, select a Judge as described in the Rules.

Initial Mutable Rule 213, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 215 (Mutable)

 After the Speaker has announced the identity of the Judge, the Judge
has 24 hours in which to deliver a legal judgement. If the Judge
fails to deliver a judgement within this time, e is penalized 10
points and a new Judge is selected.
A judgement is delivered by posting that judgement to the mailing

Initial Mutable Rule 215, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 216 (Mutable)

 A legal judgement is either TRUE, FALSE, or UNDECIDED. The
judgement may be accompanied by reasons and arguments, but such
reasons and arguments form no part of the judgement itself.

Initial Mutable Rule 216, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013


Rule 217 (Mutable)

 All judgements must be in accordance with the rules; however, if
the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the statement
to be judged, then the Judge shall consider game custom and the
spirit of the game before applying other standards.

Initial Mutable Rule 217, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 218 (Mutable)

 In addition to duties which may be listed elsewhere in the rules,
the Speaker shall have the following duties:
  -register new players
  -maintain a list of all players and their current scores, and
   make such a list available to all players
  -maintain a complete list of the current rules, and make such a
   list available to all players
  -make a random determination whenever such determination is
   required by the rules.

Initial Mutable Rule 218, Jun. 30 1993


Rule 219 (Mutable)

 If a player believes that the rules are such that further play is
impossible, or that the legality of a move cannot be determined with
finality, or that a move appears equally legal and illegal, then the
player may invoke judgement on a statement to that effect. If the
statement is judged TRUE, then the player who invoked judgement
shall be declared the winner of that game, and the game ends, with
no provision for starting another game.

This rule takes precedence over every other rule determining the
winner of the game.

Initial Mutable Rule 219, Jun. 30 1993


[The following rule is REPEALED:
 Rule 304

 Upon the enactment of this rule, each player who voted for it shall
receive 30 points, and each player who voted against shall lose the 10
points they gained for voting against; then this rule is immediately

Enacted by Proposal 304 (omd), Jun. 19 2013
Repealed itself, Jun. 19 2013


Rule 305 (Mutable)

 No rule may award or penalize players based on their votes on proposals
whose voting period ended before or at the same time as the time at which
the current form of said rule took effect.

Enacted by Proposal 305 (Chuck), Jun. 20 2013


Rule 306 (Mutable)

 A player may transfer points to another player by posting to that
effect on the mailing list.

Enacted by Proposal 306 (omd), Jun. 21 2013


Rule 309 (Mutable)

 Initially, each Voter has exactly one vote on each proposal. During
the voting period on a proposal, a player with more than 50 points
may cast an additional vote on that proposal by making a statement
to that effect on the mailing list; this destroys 50 of the player's

The Speaker may not vote.

Initial Mutable Rule 206, Jun. 30 1993
Amended by Proposal 309 (Walker), Jun. 21 2013


Rule 321 (Mutable)

 Quorum for a proposal is defined to be 20% of Voters at the
beginning of the prescribed voting period for that proposal

Initial Mutable Rule 201, Jun. 30 1993
Amended by Proposal 321 (Walker), Jun 23. 2013


[The following rule is REPEALED:
 Rule 323

 If, upon the enactment of this Rule, the Rules initially numbered
106, 107 and 109 are mutable, 50 of Walker's points are destroyed.
If possible, two seconds after this Rule is enacted, it repeals

Enacted by Proposal 323 (Walker), Jun. 23 2013
Repealed itself, Jun. 23 2013


Rule 324 (Mutable)

 Rule changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules
may be adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among votes
legally cast. Transmutation shall not be implied, but must be
stated explicitly in a proposal to take effect.

Initial Immutable Rule 110, Jun. 30 1993
Transmuted by Proposal 324, Jun. 23 2013


Rule 327 (Mutable)

 There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of
rule changes must never become completely impermissible.

Initial Immutable Rule 114, Jun. 30 1993
Transmuted by Proposal 310 (Walker), Jun. 22 2013
Amended by Proposal 327 (Walker), Jun. 24 2013


Rule 331 (Mutable)

 The Speaker shall choose Judges randomly from the set of qualified
players.  The players qualified to judge a statement are the Speaker
and those Voters who voted on the rule change whose voting period most
recently ended, except for the player who invoked judgement, and the
player (if any) most recently selected as the statement's Judge.

Initial Mutable Rule 214, Jun. 30 1993
Amended by Proposal 331 (omd), Jun. 26 2013


Rule 333 (Mutable)

 The Speaker shall make one proposal distribution per 24 hours,
numbering and publishing the text of each proposal submitted since the
last distribution.  This starts each such proposal's prescribed voting
period, which lasts 24 hours.

Initial Mutable Rule 205, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
Amended by Proposal 333 (omd), Jun. 26 2013


[The following rule is REPEALED:
 Rule 340

 Within 24 hours of this Rule being enacted, the Speaker shall publish
the names and email addresses of all registered players of Agora XX.

Enacted by Proposal 340 (Steve), Jun. 26 2013
Repealed by Proposal 352 (Steve), Jun. 28 2013


Rule 345 (Mutable)

 If a player proposes a rule change which is not adopted at the end
of its voting period, that player must immediately forfeit the

Enacted by Proposal 345 (Blob), Jun. 27 2013


Rule 347 (Mutable)

 Players whose proposals are adopted shall receive 10 points.

Initial Mutable Rule 211, Jun. 30 1993
Amended by Proposal 301 (Chuck), Jun. 19 2013
Amended by Proposal 302 (Walker), Jun. 19 2013
Amended by Proposal 332 (omd), Jun. 26 2013
Amended by Proposal 347 (Chuck), Jun. 27 2013


Rule 348 (Mutable)

 Voters may vote either for or against any proposal within its
prescribed voting period. Only messages which clearly and explicitly
indicate a player's intention to vote for or against a proposal
(using those words or unambiguous synonyms) are legal votes. In
order to be legally cast, the vote must be received by the Speaker
by the end of the prescribed voting period. The Speaker may not
reveal any votes until the end of the prescribed voting period. Any
Voter who does not legally vote within the prescribed voting period
shall be deemed to have abstained.

Initial Mutable Rule 207, Jun. 30 1993
Amended by Proposal 348, Jun. 28 2013


Rule 349 (Mutable)

 In recognition of eir sterling service to the game of Agora XX, the
Speaker is awarded 10 points when this Rule comes into effect.

Enacted by Proposal 349 (Steve), Jun. 28 2013


Rule 350 (Mutable)

 In recognition of eir sterling service to the game of Agora XX, the
Speaker is awarded 10 points when this Rule comes into effect.

Enacted by Proposal 350 (Steve), Jun. 28 2013


[The following rules are REPEALED
 They all look something like this and you'll forgive me if I don't
 actually include them.

 Rules 353-362

When this Rule takes effect, each player shall receive 40 points if they
     Then this rule is immediately repealed.

Enacted by Proposals 353-362 (Goethe), Jun. 28 2013
Repealed themselves, Jun. 28 2013


Rule 364 (Mutable)

 The game ends at 00:04:30 UTC +1200 on June 30th, 2013, or at the
time when all adopted proposals whose voting periods concluded
before that time take effect, whichever is later.

If Blob previously forfeited, then e is reinstated as a player, any
rule to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Winners of the game are Blob, Chuck, Ed, Goethe, Michael and

Initial Immutable Rule 112, Jun. 30 1993
Amended for Vigintennial by decree, Jun. 17 2013
Transmuted by Proposal 311 (omd), Jun. 23 2013
Amended by Proposal 326 (Chuck), Jun. 24 2013
Amended by Proposal 342 (Chuck), Jun. 26 2013
Amended by Proposal 343 (Chuck), Jun. 26 2013
Amended by Proposal 344 (Yally), Jun. 27 2013
Amended by Proposal 351 (Steve), Jun. 28 2013
Amended by Proposal 364 (Steve), Jun. 29 2013


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