On Mon, 8 Jul 2013, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 2013-07-08 at 14:16 -0700, Lindar Greenwood wrote:
> > I initiate a CFJ on the following:
> > 
> > The common vernacular for someone who does something is Xor, where a Xor 
> > Xes.
> > By rule 2408 the 'recordkeepor' is the title for one who keeps records
> > (or recordkeepes).
> > By rule 2404,2405,1769, and many more, the 'Promotor' is the title for
> > one who promotes.
> > Therefore, the term 'player' is incorrect.
> Gratuitous arguments:
> It used to be that "player" and "playor" were obvious synonyms due to
> rule 754, and entirely interchangeable. Given that rule 754 seems to
> have been repealed, though, I'm not sure if that still applies.

The clause in question is now the last paragraph of R217.  -G.

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