On 03/08/2013 4:25 PM, Tanner Swett wrote:
Not sure. Agora's pretty complicated. Currently, it seems like most of our appeal is in "pure 
nomic fun": memorizing mechanics, figuring out how they apply in various situations (and how 
to convince others you're right), and figuring out how to make them work in your favor. I imagine 
most people don't find "pure nomic fun" all that fun.

Would you say that "pure nomic fun" = "rules lawyering"?

Yeah, I think so.

My brief first-hand experience is that arguing about the rules is a lot, maybe most of game play (informal sense, obviously in the formal sense e.g. agora-discussion contains zero game play)

And the CFJ count seems to suggest that it's not just that I've come at a strange time.

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