On 05/17/17 22:17, Alex Smith wrote:
> One widely noticed problem with our current Shiny system is that they
> tend to accumulate in the hands of players, because there's not much
> reason to spend them. Finding more things to spend them on is one fix
> that we should definitely be looking at long-term. However, I think
> there's scope here to make /not/ spending them more interesting.
> I care about being able to accumulate economic assets long-term and
> eventually use them for a win. However, that doesn't necessarily mean
> that I care that doing so is easy; working to hold onto what I have is
> currently trivial, but taking effort will likely lead to a better game
> long-term. I also had an idea I really like for it.
> So here's the proto-proposal (which would work best at AI 1.2, I
> believe):
> {{{{
> Amend rule 2482 ("Payday") to read as follows, then retitle it to "The
> Financial Month", then increase its power to 1.2:
> {{{
>         Payrate is an office switch, tracked by the ADoP, with a
>         default value of 10 and possible values of positive integers.
>         At the start of each month, the following steps occur in order:
>         a) Each player pays Agora 20% of their Shinies, rounded down.
>         b) Each Organization pays Agora 20% of its Shinies, rounded
>         down, unless that Organization is a Tax Haven.

The main problem here is that escrow-style orgs like AAaAA and AVM will
have trouble dealing with %s. I might suggest having orgs pay a modest
set amount every month. If we did that we could also eliminate budget
and use an inability to pay as an excuse to shut down an org.

> {{{{
> Create a new rule, "Medals":
> {{{
>         Medal Ownership is an Organization switch, whose possible
>         values are the non-negative integers, defaulting to 0.
>         If at any time more than half the Shinies owned by entities
>         other than Agora are owned by a single Organization, it pays
>         half its Shinies to Agora, and its Medal Ownership is increased
>         by 1.
>         When a person Claims a Medal from an Organization, as described
>         in other rules, that person wins the game.
> }}}

I'm not sure about this exact implementation, but I do like the idea of
having a 'buyable' win condition.

As a related idea, I think it'd be nice to redefine trust tokens and
ribbons as tradeable (within the Asset framework or otherwise). If
shinies are valuable because you can win with them, then people will be
willing to trade other win-items for them, potentially spurring some
more action on those games.

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