I CFJ on the following Two Linked Statements:
It is possible to create an agency such that its acronym contains at least
one integer symbol (e.g. 0-9).
It is possible to create an agency such that its acronym contains at least
one non-english alphabetic character (芋, Ñ, Æ).

Agencies might be a limited resource of (26^3) possible existing agencies.
>From my reading of rule 2461, it seems like a number is likely not possible
within an agency's Acronym, as numbers aren't words, but I wouldn't be
surprised if non-english words would allow us to get to more than
(26^3) agencies [More language bits!].

Parts of 2461:

            a) A title, which must be exactly three words, not
               counting conjunctions, articles or prepositions.


      An Agency, once created, SHOULD be referred to by the acronym
      formed from its title with conjunctions, articles, and
      prepositions removed. The acronym of an agency must be unique
      and any attempt to create or amend an Agency such that two
      Agencies would have the same acronym is INEFFECTIVE.


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