Unicode bug—I see the name as "?????????"


> On May 31, 2017, at 11:32 AM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> status: https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/#3498
> (This document is informational only and contains no game actions).
> ==============================  CFJ 3498  ==============================
>       Every statement is ambiguous.
> ========================================================================
> Caller:                       ?????????
> Judge:                        Gaelan
> Judgement:                    FALSE
> ========================================================================
> History:
> Called by ?????????:             19 May 2017
> Assigned to Gaelan:           19 May 2017
> Judged FALSE by Gaelan:       26 May 2017
> ========================================================================
> Caller's Arguments:
>    * Every statement is written in one language.
>    * Translation between any two languages is inherently ambiguous.
>    * Therefore, every statement is ambiguous at least in every language
>      the statement was not originally written in.
>    * Agora does not formally make preference to any one language, and
>      recognizes differences in dialect (CFJ 1439).
>    * Thus, every statement is ambiguous.
> ========================================================================
> Judge's Arguments
> Rule 1698/4:
>       Agora is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable
>       combination of actions by players to cause arbitrary rule
>       changes to be made and/or arbitrary proposals to be adopted
>       within a four-week period.
>       If, but for this rule, the net effect of a proposal would cause
>       Agora to become ossified, or would cause Agora to cease to
>       exist, it cannot take effect, rules to the contrary
>       notwithstanding.  If any other single change to the gamestate
>       would cause Agora to become ossified, or would cause Agora to
>       cease to exist, it is cancelled and does not occur, rules to the
>       contrary notwithstanding.
> Judging this as TRUE would cause Agora to become ossified (proposals are
> created by announcement, announcements must be unambiguous). Therefore,
> it is IMPOSSIBLE to judge this CFJ as TRUE. Therefore, I judge as FALSE.
> Additional argument: ambiguous is a relative term, but it is clear from
> game precedent that in this context it means ???reasonably unambiguous to
> the players of Agora."
> ========================================================================

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