On Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:53 PM, CuddleBeam <cuddleb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Via "An asset generally CAN be transferred (syn. payed, given) by its owner
> to another entity by announcement", I announce that I transfer all assets to
> myself.
> How?
> Because "by announcement", which is the method; "An asset generally CAN be
> transferred (syn. payed, given) by its owner to another entity"
> So by announcement, I can make it so there is a transfer (performed by the
> owner, apparently, but demanded to be so by me) to another entity, which is
> me.

That doesn't even make a little bit of sense, and it would need to do
more than that to get people to believe it. Would people object if I
tried to bring back black cards, except this time they would be the
equivalent of an old fashioned sentence of EXILE? I've about had it
with all this. I'm trying to be friendly, and welcoming, and all that,
but you've gotten so many people to deregister, and created so many
convoluted and unnecessary messes...


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